Adjusting Batch Times in VBO to Match Your Payment Gateway:
Some payment gateways (like batch orders instead of settling them in real time. For gateways that batch orders, you can adjust the batch time in VBO to match the batch time in the gateway. Matching the batch time with the payment gateway ensures that transactions are settled at the same time, simplifying credit card reconciliation by aligning transaction records in VBO with the payment gateway batch time.
How to Adjust the Batch Time in VBO
Navigate to the Payment Settings Page
Go to SET UP > PROFILE > PAYMENT SETTINGS in VBO.Select the Payment Gateway
From the Payment Settings page, click on the name of the payment gateway. A slide-out menu will appear.Edit the Batch Time
Adjust the batch time field to match the batch time configured in your payment gateway.- Save Your Changes
Click SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE to apply the updated batch time. - Review TransactionsOnce both the gateway and batch time match - use the reconciliation report under REPORTS > OTHER REPORTS > RECONCILATION REPORT to reconcile credit cards: Reconciliation Report
Video Tutorial
Watch this video to learn how to set batch times in VBO to match your payment gateway batch time.
By ensuring the batch times are aligned, you’ll streamline the reconciliation process and reduce discrepancies in transaction records.