The video below demos how to use the custom sales and custom patron reports to identify subscribers/members from non-subscribers and non-members.

To get to the Custom Sales Report area, go to REPORTS > CUSTOM SALES REPORT. 

Custom Sales Report Basics: How to build a report

Step 1: Select the column outputs you would like to see in the report.

Common outputs are things like: Item Name, Qty, Price, Total, or payment methods like Cash, Credit Card, Check, etc. 

Step 2: Set any filter options you would like to narrown down the report.

Common filter options are things like: transaction date range, event date range, item type, or narrowing the report down to a specific event or item type. 

The example picture below is filtering "donations" for "this month." 

Step 3: Name the report on the bottom of the page, press SAVE, or SAVE + RUN.

To see subscriber vs non subscriber info - select the checkbox "sub ticket type" and it will show:

Sub free = subscriber free tickets
Sub discount = discounted subscriber tickets like pick a show tickets or discounted member tickets. 
Flex pass = Flex Passes
Blank = Not a subscriber ticket. 

Video Demo