Cross listings are a helpful marketing tool that allow future events to get more exposure and, potentially, more traffic. Future events that you assign to an upcoming event via cross listing will be presented to the customer during the online purchase process. 

The three events shown in the picture below "You may also like" are cross listed events. Patrons can click on the event for more info or to add that event to the cart. 

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Cross listed events can be global or event specific. 

Global Cross Listing: 

On the 'OPEN EVENTS page, use the checkboxes next to the 'Select Action' drop-down menu to display an event on all open events you have available for sale. Simply press the checkbox to add an event to be displayed to your cross listed events on checkout. 

Event Specific Cross Listing: 

On the OPEN EVENTS page, click the select action menu next to the event you want to modify and select MARKETING. On the following screen, click the Event Cross Listing button. 

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In the slide out menu, click Enable Cross Listing and then select any event you would like featured on the event. 

In the Description Box you can change the phrase "You may also like" to whatever you would like. 

NOTE: There can only be ONE "You may also like" phrase for all events. The description phrase is used for every event that uses cross listing.  

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