VBO invoices can be accessed through the system by going to REPORTS > ACCOUNTING > INVOICES.  Select the month at the top of the page to filter the invoices by month. 

For promoters billed weekly - the billing cycle is Monday 11:59pm to Monday 11:59pm (PST). 

For promoters billed monthly - the billing cycle is the start of the month through the end of the month. 

An invoice receipt will be sent to the accounting contact that is on file under SET UP > PROFILE > PROMOTER INFO. If no accounting contact is on file, invoices will be sent to the primary user's email address listed on the account. 

How does the billing cycle work for transactions and VBO fees? Does VBO charge for exchanges, refunds, or canceled events?

VBO fees are based on what was transacted during the billing cycle. Any change to an order made within the billing cycle will not incur an additional fee.

  • For example, if you process an order and then refund the order within the same billing cycle - there will not be a fee for that order. Exchanges made within the same billing cycle will only incur one fee. 
Once the billing cycle closes - the invoice will remain unchangedIf orders are refunded outside the billing cycle, VBO fees will not be refunded or credited.

Exchanges made outside the billing cycle are considered a new transaction (excluding subscriber tickets).

  • For example, if you process an order in March, and then exchange the order in April a few weeks later, there will be a fee for the exchange as the order is considered a new transaction in a new billing cycle. If exchanging a subscriber ticket, there is no vbo fee outside the billing cycle. 

How does the max comp allocation fee work?

If applicable, the comp max overage is calculated on the first invoice of the month (calculating the previous month's comps).

The fee is based on total items sold in the previous month (not including subscription/member tickets issued).

The total monthly items sold x max comp % = comp allocation

The comp allocation minus total comp items issued = under/overage. Charges will apply to overage items only.

Let's say a promoter has a 5% max comp cap. 

- They sold 100 items that month.

- Of that 100, 10 items were comps.

With a 5% max comp cap, they would get 5 comps for free and the additional 5 comped items would be charged the regular box office fee. The fee for the 5 additional comp items would be added to the first invoice of the following month.