To reconcile your credit card transactions with your payment gateway, use the Reconciliation Report located under REPORTS > OTHER REPORTS > RECONCILIATION REPORT in VBO. This report is specifically designed to track the total amount of credit card payments sent to the gateway for a specified time period.
For example, $80 was sent to the gateway for order #1234567 on X date. You can then compare the reconciliation report in VBO against the transactions list in your Stripe account. The reconciliation report in VBO will also show the credit card type of Visa, MC, etc. to make it easer to match transactions.
Match Transactions in Stripe
The most effective way to match transactions from Stripe with VBO is by using the Transactions section in Stripe. This section displays all transaction attempts by default, including Successful, Canceled, Blocked, and more. You can use the filters at the top to see transactions for a specific date range or to only view successful transactions.
Additionally, the Balances section display each transaction and payout that occurred in the All Activity view. There's also a Payout view to only see deposits to your bank account.
The Balance Summary report in the reports section is another resource that will display your gross and net totals to match with both VBO and your bank account.