This guide will walk you through how to locate unshipped merchandise in your orders and mark it as shipped once it has been sent out.

  • Navigate to the Orders page. Here, you will see a list of all your orders for the day.
  • Open the Options menu and select Merch Not Shipped, then click Submit.
  • You will now see all orders containing merchandise that has not yet been shipped.
  • Click on an order to view the merchandise that needs to be pulled from inventory.
  • After packaging and sending the merchandise, click the Ship It button.
  • (Optional) Add any necessary order notes.
  • Click Mark as Shipped to confirm. The system will record the shipping date.
  • Close the order and proceed to the next one.
  • Repeat the process for each unshipped item.
  • Once all items have been marked as shipped, click Submit again at the top. The orders will be removed from the Merch Not Shipped area.