This help doc will cover how to filter a specific event or event date via a URL. After reviewing, test the URL you created to see if your filtering worked. If you need more assistance with this, email

1. Find the URL on your website where the plugin is embedded.

2. Find the Event ID (eid) located in the OPEN EVENTS tab in VBO.  Each event has a unique Event ID (eid) and each event date has a unique Event Date ID (edid). See the pic below on where you find these ID numbers on your open events tab.  

3. Create your URL.

  • To filter the event to load a specific event add: ?eid=(event ID number) to the end of the URL. 
load specific event URL example:

  • To filter the event to load a specific event date add: ?eid=(event ID number)&edid=(event date ID number) to the end of the URL.
load specific event date example: